1v1 boxing gloves have been continuously refined over the last 10 years, making them exceptionally thoroughly tested and able to meet the broad requirements of everyone from the novice to the world champion. Using leather imported directly from Italy, our gloves come in three designs: The all foam Pro Trainer Elite (PTE), available in 10 oz through 20 oz; the horsehair and foam, or exclusively foam, Peacemaker, available in 10 oz through 16 oz; and Pro Fight Gloves, available in 8 oz and 10 oz. We'll discuss in detail your personal needs and make a recommendation on which model is best suited to protect your hands and reach your goals.
Take a look at our instagram to see numerous examples of our work. When you know what you want, or have questions, contact us at jason@1v1fightgear.com to get started. The base price of custom gloves is $900, which comes with one free graphic per glove, a glove bag, t-shirt, hand wraps, and free delivery in North America (international delivery will be calculated).
Once the design is set, we'll move to step 2.
We'll send you a written agreement that outlines the details of your design, what special requirements you may have, costs, estimated wait time, etc. Once you sign this and send it back, you can mail in a non-refundable down payment via check or money order for 50% of the cost. When this payment is made, you will be added to the production roster.
We'll contact you just prior to building your gloves to make sure nothing has changed, then it's off to the races! Once they're built, we'll send pictures and get them quickly shipped out.